Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Children of Men and V for Vendetta comparison

Similarities or points of comparison for V for Vendetta and Children of Men through how style visually creates the idea of dystopia?

In V for Vendetta, the technological advances in medicine portrays visually to the audience that this film is possibly set in the future and suggests an idea of dystopia.

In Children of Men, the camera pan across Theo's workplace portrays the technological advances that Britain has made. This gives the idea to the audience that this film is possibly set in the future and also suggests an a visual idea of dystopia.

In V for Vendetta, Sutler's rallies give the idea of a totalitarian society which are similar to the Nuremberg rallies in Nazi Germany. This gives the idea of a dystopian society since the setting of V for Vendetta is in the future and it is a different society to what we are living in now. The style in which this scene is filmed represents dystopia but makes the audience feel that this could be a realistic possible future for the human race if we allow war and disease to fester.

These two images from Children of Men are showing the struggle that this society is dealing with, there is a shortage of water and jobs in Britain, which represents a dystopian society which is deteriorating into anarchy which is presented through mis-en-scene and visual style.


The use of placing the Koran in this scene shows the audience the amount of control the government have over Britain by being able to make certain religions, attitudes and values made illegal. This creates the idea of a dystopian totalitarian society through the use of props and visual style.


Through the use of visual style the idea of a broken dystopia is presented since this is 2027 London but it just looks like an inner city street that does not look very futuristic. However, the huge advertisements represents a technological society. On the other hand the idea of a broken dystopia is represented through overcrowding and the pollution in this city street which are threats that we fear that will grow to a large threat in the near future, portraying a message through the use of visual style.