Friday, 7 March 2014

Creative Artefact Location report

Creative Artifact Planning
Props: Wine glasses, wine bottle, china plates, candle, metal pot.
Costume: Mary (Before the memory loss procedure). - Smart-casual clothing since she is off work and does not need to be in her uniform, she is however wearing the memory loss headgear.
Mary (During the memory loss procedure). - Wearing her uniform this time and the memory loss headgear has disappeared.
Howard - Before and during the procedure he is wearing his work uniform. (Lab Coat, shirt, tie and smart jumper).
Hollis - Only seen during the one of the memories in a photo, she is wearing a cardigan and in a photo smiling next to Howard.
Actors: Emma W, Glenn D and Amanda D.
1st location of setting: Dartford Grammar School, W Hill, Dartford DA1 2HW.
2nd location of setting: 128 Hawley Road, Wilmington DA1 1PT
The use of the second location is mainly for the first part of my script, before Mary begins the memory loss procedure in Howard's office.
Public usage: Usually this setting would be filled with students as I am using a secondary school, however, the school has granted me and my actors permission to use the school to take my key frames after school hours.
Risk Assessment: My actors and I would have to be careful to avoid damage to the china plates and wine glasses as they are fragile and if they break they could harm someone.
They also may harm their selves on the lit candle during the taking of the photos so I will take precautions to avoid any serious danger.
We will be taking the photos near stairs at the second location so their may be a possible trip hazard that I must rectify when I take my 9 key frames.

Possible photos for my 9 Key frames

This photo will be used to show Mary following the man who's face she recognises and he ignores her calls. I will use Photoshop to put my Actors in this photo.

Through green screen I will put my actors in to this picture, and through Photoshop I will make the photo dimly lit and surreal looking to represent a dream state.

This photo is going to represent Howard's office and Mary laying on the sofa in his office, I am going to use either Photoshop or green screen to change the background to match up with the colour pattern of the other photos.

The bed is going to be used for one of Mary's fading memories where Howard and Mary are laying in the bed together.

The table is going to be used for another one of Mary's fading memories where Mary and Howard are having dinner together, I will use Photoshop to make the room darker than it is originally to represent that it is a decaying memory.

Another shot is going to be of a sign of the Dartford Grammar school sign which I will Photoshop to say Lacuna Inc. To make the location obvious.
The shot after will be a shot of Howard and Mary outside of Lacuna Inc. before they go inside for the treatment.
My final shots will be a close up of Mary's distraught face after realizing that she is about to forget about Howard and their relationship the other final shot will be of Howard looking through the closed blue doors that he had shut behind him looking through the window of the door with his face blurred out to show that Mary has forgotten everything about Howard since their first meeting and I will use Photoshop to create this affect and I will make the background around Mary darker with Photoshop also.

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