Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Star Wars, Jaws and The Godfather

The Godfather (1972)

Had: A Listers
Didn't have: Special Effects
Sets the trend for film franchises.

Jaws (1975)

Had: Well known actors, mixture of story, had merchandise, hype and advertisement (a lot of money).
Didn't have: Simplistic story and lacked in special effects.
Formulaic Films beginning to rise, easier to create than a complex story.

Star Wars (1977)

Had: Special effects, Hype, merchandise advertisement, was formulaic
Didn't Have: A Story (White knight, Dark night)
Significant because it changed  the formula for films.

During the UK recession people did not have jobs, so they could not afford to go to the cinema so instead watched TV. (1970's)
Teenagers had a disposable income from parents which means that they did not have to work and got money from their parents labour.
'The Teenager' Was invented in the 1950s
Cinema attendance was going down in the 70s, blockbusters in the mid 1970's raised attendance again. Saved the industry. Can still be done well. (Inception, Godfather, Jaws, Star Wars) Done in an attempt to get people back to the cinema.
Rise in multiplexes. Invented by America production companies to lure audiences back to the cinema.
Industrial, Light and Magic: George Lucas and Steven Speilberg.

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